Today was of shall we say... unexpected. It all started at noon I think. All the humans were going in and out of the house carrying bags and towels. Sooner or later Sierra's mom invited us out.
This is a chance to see what's going on I thought.
When we got out there it was the thing I

hadn't been on in years. What the humans called "The Boat" had bags and towels in it.
I looked around and saw Sierra's mom handing Roxie, who was struggling like a pup. She was handed to Sierra and that's when she disappeared (I was too low and the boat was high and, you know) so I jumped on a near by rock.Then next thing I know I'm being lifted into it! I struggled and squirmed. But I couldn't get free. So There I was being lifted into the boat.
As I was lowered Sierra grabbed my paw and whipped all the mud off. Then she let me wander around the boat. Next was Bella and let me tell you she did not like being lifted up. and have her paws dried. But once she was able to move around the boat she was just fine.I made my way up to the front of the boat sit on the seats there. But Sierra made me stay until we were ready to go.
Finally Sierra and Mireya were in the front of the boat and their parents were in the truck so I jumped up and sat on Sierra lap for the ride to the dock.
Roxie was so annoying. She had never been to the lake before so this would be her first time. She was as usual sitting on Bella, asking questions like: 'What are we in?' or 'Why is are we being pulled by the truck?' but the most common was 'Where are we going' and Bella just rolled her tired eyes and covered her ears with her paws.
I laughed on the inside and as we finally got to the dock I decided to take Bella's suffering away. I trotted over to Roxie while everyone was busy getting the boat in the water and grabbed Roxie by the scruff of her neck and carried her off to the front with me.
After we were finally in the water and I was sitting on Sierra's lap again I let her go. She put her front paws on the rail and her back ones on Sierra's lap. Her ears flapped in the breeze and her white fur was shining in the sun. She looked really, pretty.
You know I might be getting to like her. She's smart, pretty and I think she likes me. That's when I decided I would try to impress her. That won't be hard with my good looks and my obvious strength.
Anyways so after we had taken off and drove the boat around for awhile we stopped all of a sudden and began to float. Sierra's mom had turned off the gas. Then, you won't believe this, Sierra's dad got on the edge of the boat and dove in the water. Followed closely behind by Mireya then Sierra.
This will be a good time to try to impress Roxie I thought.
I trotted over to her, she was enjoying the new experience and was now stretched out on the seat as if she were sun bathing. I thought I was cute.
"Hey, Rox," I said in my "I'm cool" voice.
"Oh Hey Dyno," she replied in her sweet casual voice.
"May I join you?"
Score this is going great. I edged closer to her. She didn't notice. I scooted closer. This time she looked at me and I looked in those deep brown eyes.
I had to make up an excuse and quick so I said "Uh there's leaf on your nose."
"Oh how embarrassing will you get it off?" She said blushing.
I leaned close to her and licked her nose.
"Thanks," she said and made herself comfortable again.
Wow that was awesome. Now step 2 of operation impress Roxie. I had to get her to lay on me so I could get a romantic moment started.
"Uh Roxie that seat looks," come up with a word fast "spinachy," spinachy what am I Pop Eye?
"Spinachy?" She repeated.
"Yeah... Um it's wrinkly and uh an oval." Oh what did I get myself into?
"OK, hey it does kind of feel uncomfortable."
"Want to sit on me?" I asked hopefully.
"Sure thanks," She replied
We both leaped off the seat and onto the floor of the boat we scooted under Sierra's mom's feet. I lied down and let Roxie scramble up onto my back. Her head rested on my neck and I slowly fell asleep.
"Vroom Vrooom!" The boat's engine wailed.
I lifted my head Huh we were at the dock? Yup Sierra's dad was pulling the boat onto the trailer.
"Roxie,Roxie," I said waking her.
"Oh here already?" She asked
"Well thanks I had a great time with you. Your fur is very comfortable," and with that she slid off my back.
Well that didn't work at all. The goal was... "Oh I almost forgot." She said walking back over.
She leaned close to me and gave me a lick on the cheek!
My eyes grew wide and the rest of the day was a blur.