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Friday, August 20, 2010

rOxiE's PoST

hi RoXie heer and i snuk into DyNo's account and typed this it is a bowt my trip to ODessA. I have never reely typed on a computur b4 so wish me luc!!! Well first we drove a long ways in a big bloo thing then we arived at a hows and there was a nother dog there and he lookd like a hot dog. I playd wif him I think he was (as Dyno says) checkin me owt. After another long drive then we were in ODessA as SIerrA called it. We got to a hows and there was a nother poodle there too his name was EmMeT. He was older than BelLa!!! Well after all that we went home and I tolded DyNo all a bowt my trip. And that Pineapple is not a good password...


  1. Nice typing job Roxie! And yes, pineapple is no longer a very good password! LOL!
