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Monday, October 11, 2010

Training Tips

So you all know Roxie is the new agility dog of the family, right? We adopted the puppy with the highest play drive. Well she is and since she's a puppy (1 year old) Sierra defiantly can't do this by herself. So I am asking you yes YOU to give her training tips and for every Training Tip there will be a winner and at the end of the week I will choose a winner from the training subject and I, Dyno will e-mail you a pic of us and sometimes a really cool, funny, and cute video of Roxie using your tips! Thanks a bunch!

Subject for Week #1: Dog Walk (afraid of heights)

1 comment:

  1. Roxie is afraid of heights? That's ok - start with having her run a DW board on the ground and after she learns to do that, you prop one end up with like a cement block and do that.
