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Monday, June 28, 2010

Mother Bella

You know that we got new kittens right? Well, we did and really I guess 1 wasn't enough! Anyways Bella has taken them in as...well...her....PUPPIES!!! Yup you heard me right. She is mostly attracted to the smaller Daffodil. She lick her, bathes her, cuddles with her and even pick her up!!! Let me tell you she's got nothing in between her ears if you know what I mean... AKA Wako off her rocker totally acting like a prissy little poodle. 'OMG where is my baby' or 'Don't touch her she is fragile' and she even tries to take her from Sierra and Mireya!!! Anyway I told her they were kittens and that it will never work out that the humans will separate you to and all she says is speaking of the ball and she just changes the subject (typical Bella.)


  1. How absolutely sweet! What a great picture. Bella must be a wonderful, wonderful girl. :)

  2. Bella rocks. She knows the little kittens need to be taken care of right now. Yay, Bella!

  3. Aw, that is so cute! I love when puppies and kitties all get along. Cuddly is as cuddly does. :) I think Forrest Gump's mom said that.

  4. AWWWW! My dog's name is Bella too! My friend Linda (your mom stayed with her during her clinic) just got 2 new kittens too. They are very small. One is all orange and white(Cornflake), and one is gray and white (KK, which stands for Killer Kat, they must have SOME plans for her someday huh?) Can't imagine, cause she fits in the palm of your hand the best! I love Daffodil the most, but didn't get a very good glimpse of Shakira. I think we need another pic or two! If you know of anyone who would be interested in a grown up (fixed with shots, flea meds, indoor or outdoor,etc) older calico cat, get it going through the cat phone OOOPS! DOG Phone, and let me know! I have to move and her mom won't come pick her up. Sad when people won't take care of their pets, isn't it? :( The tiny apt. I'm moving too says NO to three cats and a Bella dog! Hope the adjustment goes better than it was over there, don't worry they still love you!
    Your friend,

  5. And that pic is Priceless! I have a couple like that, but that is too cute!!! MODELS, both of them! :O)
